Crown Nav issue


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My car's map screen is totally messed up. It disappeared right after I got the car. Turn-by-turn's still there, but no map. It shows up on the small screen when I'm navigating, but otherwise, just a compass. Tried the reset trick, didn't work. Service says they're working on a fix, but they've already released one that doesn't work for everyone. At least they know about it now. It's not a huge deal, but it's still annoying.
Thanks for the info. I'm having a similar issue where the map sometimes doesn’t appear, though the turn-by-turn directions are still there. Cycling through the gauge options usually brings it back. Did they mention if the software update will be sent directly to the car via OTA, or if not, how I would be able to update it?
At least service acknowledges it, just hope another fix rolls out soon. Have you checked if a manual update helps?

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