Crown sensor overload in snow


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My toyota crown freaks out when the sensors get blocked, with all the beeping and flashing lights. It always seems to happen at the worst moments, like during a snowstorm when the snow is sticking to everything. Even turning off the driver assist features doesn't help. Last night, it was going on for an hour straight while I was driving home in the snow, which was super distracting and a little dangerous. Is there any way to just shut those warnings off completely, or am I stuck pulling over constantly to clear off the sensors?
Wow, that’s tough! I’m not an expert either, but I don’t think there’s a way to completely turn off the warnings. However you might be able to adjust the sensitivity or temporarily disable certain features through your settings. It’s worth checking your manual or settings to see if you can at least tone down the beeping!
I understand the frustration, the Toyota Crown's sensor warnings seem unmodifiable. I'm hoping for a firmware update or workaround soon to manage these distractions effectively.
If you can't totally ditch those warnings, maybe mess with the sensor settings to tone down the sensitivity. Or, you could give the sensors a quick clean before you hit the road to stop them from acting up halfway through the drive!
If that snow keeps triggering those warnings, you could try spraying some silicone spray (or something similar) on the sensors to stop the snow from sticking. It won’t totally fix it, but it might cut down on those annoying alerts!

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